Wednesday, September 15, 2010


We are creatures of rhythm, cycle, pattern, habit; we need ritual, repetition, the anchor point of the over-and-over, (crimson and clover - don't ask me where *that* came from - the eternally deviating [not as in 'deviant', but as in 'not staying on the path'], free-associating mind :-)

Synthesist, broad rather than deep (though *sometimes* deep, too, depending on interest level and subject matter. Can I call myself a philosopher? Or is that a name that can only be appended to one by someone *else*, someone external, an observer? Hm. It's not that I ASPIRE [or perhaps PERspire?] to be a philosopher so much as that I spend much time philosophizing. If it's true that we "are what we do," then, dang it, I'm a frickin' philosopher. (I think, here, that I am feeling constrained by the cultural mandate that women must NEVER, EVER, call attention to ourselves or crave credit or desire the spotlight, to be center of attention. We must ALWAYS be in the background - a mirror, at most, for the desires of others [read: MEN]. Stopping, because I no longer support this bullshit, and am becoming ever more outspoken about that.)

Philosopher me collects thoughts and ideas as a squirrel gathers nuts, storing them away against a future time when they may come in handy.

"Life is not a spectacle or a feast; it is a predicament." ~George Santayana

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