Friday, September 17, 2010

more fragments: reach for what YOU want

let other people protect *themselves*. Not your job.

And: Your needs are NOT something from which other people need to be ‘protected’.

Your needs? are your needs. Period. End of story. No discussion, argument or judgment.

People ask for what they need; you say, “Yes,” or “No.” End of story. Period. :-)

You ask for what YOU want or need; people say, “Yes,” or “No.” End of story.

Feed the DEEPEST need FIRST. All others will follow, as night, day.

Though feeding your STOMACH the best food you can find is always a good place to start :-)

Regarding: Feeling obligated to take care of other people:


THAT felt good :-)

people who ‘ask without asking’ piss me off.

Basically, they’re taking advantage of your GOOD NATURE, while being TOTALLY oblivious to the fact that they JUST ASKED YOU FOR A FAVOR.

Their complete lack of self-awareness is a MIND fuck.

They tell you one thing; they *think* one thing; and then they DO another, the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what they’re PRESENTING themselves as doing.

They don’t even know they’re doing it. They’re so ‘split off’ from their essential SELVES that they have NO IDEA WHO THEY ARE or what they want. From you, from life, from ANYthing or anyone.

Motorcycle guy seemed to be breaking through this barrier, which is why it’s so exciting to me, and why I want to see him again – someone to SHARE this breakthrough with, this venture into new psychological and emotional territory. Motorcycle guy, WHERE ARE YOU?????

messages from my sub-conscious? some other phrase trying to get out. “My subconscious leaves me notes while I’m sleeping.”

Maybe ‘split’ personalities are the same as dreams, only dreams are less ‘conscious’ ways for the split-off parts to communicate with the ‘conscious’ parts?

I, on the other hand, am TOO painfully aware of ever asking for ANYthing, and am thus made insecure by that quicksand-y ground of BEING MADE TO FEEL GUILTY for HAVING BASIC HUMAN NEEDS.

FUCK that shit.

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