Monday, September 6, 2010

Posit re: introverts?

Thinking out loud:
Introverts are those who, by nature, are non-aggressive. They are, therefore, in this world of dog-eats-dog, survival of the fittest, "it's a jungle out there," often coerced into doing things they don't want to simply because they lack the - fortitude? to stand up to someone more aggressive.

Eat your Wheaties! Part of me shouts. But that's just my dad's voice talking, from the dim and dark recesses of my childhood recollections.

So here's the actual posit: Maybe introversion is a coping mechanism rather than a trait.

Maybe introversion is a defense mechanism developed by non-aggressive types in reaction to too much exposure to aggressive people who continually trample their boundaries?

So this is obvious. Well, sometimes I have to work it out my own way through my own dang process of head-scratching.

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