Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Jesus H. Christ on a pogo stick! If I EVER hear another person tell me I'm 'too sensitive' instead of apologizing for being a jerk, I'm going to fucking PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE!

In fact, when middle niece was telling about a mean thing oldest niece had done, I said, "Did you punch her?"

Both girls looked at me, a little shocked - this is *not* the Auntie they're familiar with, who normally eschews all violence.

But I am definitely ALL about teaching this little one to STAND UP FOR HERSELF so she doesn't get pummeled into a bloody, emotional WRECK like her Auntie did.

I also suggested that middle niece tie older nieces shoelaces together whenever older niece was mean to her. Oldest niece said, "Oh, that'd never work, that's the oldest trick in the book!" I said, "Good thing, then it'll never get you." But I think middle niece still filed it away, maybe? for future reference.

Yay! Inroads against meanness and bullying being made! Fire BACK!!!!

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