Thursday, September 23, 2010

cog(nitive) function?

('modern' American?) Men are taught from an early age to split off from their emotions in such a way that makes them extremely efficient cogs in the Machine Age.

It also makes having relationships with them nearly impossible.

Posit: A woman who can learn to (step outside herself?) and turn this particular function on and off at will will have doubled her arsenal (male term - have I joined the 'other' side! Agghh!)

But wait. I *haven't* joined the other side. Not yet. It seems to me, maybe, to be possible to learn to use the language(s?) and behavior(s) of power without being caught up in the drama?

Hm. Skeptical.

And: Is so-called 'ethics' yet another power-play by the Haves to keep the Have-nots down? A form of mind control?

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