Saturday, February 5, 2011

another interesting article along the same lines

World Without Feelings = INERT

Quote (bolds mine):
[H]ere is my "subversive" thought of the day. Contrary to what we have all been taught from childhood onward (especially us guys)

feelings are not soft or irrational.

On the contrary,

nothing is MORE important than feelings because feelings drive behavior
I look at feelings as the propulsive forces that move us. As forces, they obey the laws of emotional "physics."

My first law of emotional physics is, "A human being at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by an emotional force--a feeling."

Feelings get us up in the morning, move us from Point A to Point B during the course of our day, and put us to bed at night.

It’s arrogant and ignorant to make fun of these vital and necessary propulsive forces because without them we’d all be dead, extinct!

Feelings run the show because they are proxies for our vital survival needs.

Without them we would be unmotivated to eat, drink, breathe and reproduce.

Feelings tell us what we need to survive and the rational mind attempts to fulfill these vital needs.

In other words, human beings are primarily emotional creatures and secondarily logical. Emotions rule despite the macho posturing we have all been exposed to.

The booming field of neuroeconomics [how scary is that??!!? 'neuroeconomics', I mean] is helping to set things straight.

Researchers are finding that all forms of reward, monetary or otherwise, are created by circuits in the basal striatum, the brain's master reward center. Neurons in the basal striatum fire if we are rewarded with money, rewarded with food, rewarded by a pat-on-the-back from the boss, or rewarded with psychoactive drugs like cocaine or methamphetamine. All rewards, is seems, are encoded as feelings of pleasure and pain emanating from the basal striatum.

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