Saturday, February 5, 2011

zero sum game of emotional machinations.

Men don't 'count' women's emotional contributions to a relationship because they are taught that emotions don't matter. So they discount the very *real*, and often substantial contributions women make to their lives.

Trying to think of an analogy - it's as if a guy bites into a coin and *decides* it's fake (even though it's actually real), but *he* can't perceive it because - he's got blinders over his eyes?

So in this 'equality' search, men *hate* giving up *any* power whatsoever, because they fail to see what they will gain. They see themselves as only *losing* something they've always had, presumed, taken for granted as a birthright.

So: It *may* be that teaching men to become more 'emotionally fluent', like learning another language, is *essential* to the long-term mental and emotional health of the race.

*Persuading* everybody of this is a whole 'nother story.

Heck, maybe 'neuroeconomics' *is* how it'll happen. The way to a man's 'heart' *is* through his pocketbook.

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