Friday, February 4, 2011

I think part of the sadness is feeling that I have to abandon my roots? Leave 'those people' behind?

Which feels like a judgment - like they think that *I* think that I'm 'better' and they're 'worse'.

But the fact is, I just simply don't *relate* to them, and the process of 'fitting' with them entails cutting off nearly everything that makes me ME, to the point where I basically cease to exist, become invisible.

Obviously, this is *not* a realistic option. (grasshopper hat back on again, much more comfortable.)

I *like* being the pedant, the scholar, the slightly stuffy, nerdy, geeky person who *loves* knowledge, who gathers information the way a squirrel gathers nuts: Compulsively, habitually, without a moment's hesitation.

Maybe I'm a squirrel?

Why is it that I can speak *their* language, but they can't (or won't?) speak mine?

Herd mentality. When you don't fit into the herd you were born into, you have to

find your *own* herd.

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