Saturday, February 5, 2011

law of emotional physics

Google search on the phrase came up with a comment on a physics forum:

A quote from the comment (bolds mine):
Your beliefs are based on emotional balance.

You become attracted to specific ideas or beliefs because of the role those ideas or beliefs play in your emotional balance. Your beliefs can change when other sources of emotions change. People can change their beliefs in the same way they can fall out of love with one person and in love with another.

We have specific beliefs to cope with our environments. Some people cope with the sadness caused by their environment by using intoxicating substances; others cope with their environment by having specific beliefs or habits.

The world is filled with billions of followers of different religions. People are correct for having their individual beliefs because their beliefs keep them more emotionally balanced than they would be without those beliefs. Some people may not believe empirical evidence provided by scientists because if they were to believe in that evidence, then they would probably become emotionally unbalanced based on where they are currently experiencing their happiness and sadness.

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