Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Images and text from (bolds mine):
Intelligent and insightful, the Seer of Swords uncovers what is hidden to others. Still firm in her youthful ideals, she is not afraid to speak out for the truth as she sees it. She certainly has the potential to become a gifted and persuasive speaker. But for now, she is still learning the power of her words and how to wield them effectively.

In her impatience, she often forgets to think before she speaks.[?! :-) ]

She has yet to learn how her words and actions affect others and may be thoughtlessly hurtful. Wrapped up in her own ideas, this Seer may seem aloof and disinterested in the feelings of others. She tends to isolate herself from real intimacy with her harsh use of words, even though they may be true.

She needs to tailor her talent to the realm of human realities, for logic doesn’t rule people, the heart does.

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