Wednesday, February 2, 2011

useful cards today:

Images and text from

The Three of Wands speaks of ambition and future vision. Its message is, you are doing the right thing. You have the mature perspective and high vantage point to see the big picture and make decisions that will bring you to your goals. While the Three of Wands promises achievement and happy results, these auspicious possibilities depend on your ability to focus your will toward your vision.

Bringing your visions down to earth requires choosing among the brimming cups. Are you following your dreams or just dreaming? Balancing your creative inspiration with some practicality can transform what is now only wishful thinking into reality.

In the Nine of Swords we confront our deepest fears. Worry winds tendrils around your heart, tighter and tighter, until you can hardly breathe. Terrifying visions make your mind your worst enemy. The anxiety can keep you up at night and even make you feel like you’re going crazy. Your concerns may be for yourself or they may be for a loved one. Either way, most of the dangers exist only within your mind. Beneath all the apprehension, however, something may truly be wrong. The challenge is to make out the quiet voice of your intuition from the loud voices of your fears. Before your anxieties get the best of you, look to other cards for guidance on the best way to deal with this situation.

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