Friday, February 4, 2011

I don't know *what* kind of animal I am.

I'm realizing I'm not *really* a grasshopper (sad face) - it's a persona I've adopted to give me a safe space to 'work' while I figure out who the heck I actually *am*.

I was thinking just now that I am *fierce* when cornered, and fiercely protective of those I see as needing protecting; but the rest of the time I'm fairly gentle.

And yet that ire is roused in me easily.

It reminds me of a housecat - you know when they lie on their sides in that inviting way that seems calculated to tempt you to pet their soft bellies?

And yet, as soon as you do it? your hands are clawed and bitten by this crazed animal that only *looks* soft and cuddly. But is really a 'carnivore, red in tooth and claw,'. Or is it 'nature' that's 'red,' etc.?


For some reason, 'meerkat' popped into my mind, so I looked it up to see if it fits. I liked one of the pictures I found:

Looks like they're posing for a family portrait.

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