Sunday, February 27, 2011


sweet, tender, like a young fern just beginning to unfurl. Kind; thoughtful; gentle; generous; and filled with an immense sensitivity to his fellow humans - a compassionate soul.

And yet? He can be roused to a fierceness, a fiery intensity that brooks no injustice. He will *not* be squashed, stepped on, or put down.

Perhaps, like me with music? he cannot fully be what he *is* in life - the movies allow him to 'act out' aspects of himself that otherwise - remain hidden?

I am learning to 'speak' without the intermediary 'voice' of my violin; I hope that, one day, soon! I will be able to say what I need, when I need to, and my emotions will flow as freely as a river - undammed, unstopped, unblocked in any way, shape or form.

It's as if watching him is giving me a 'vocabulary' for emotions that I've never felt comfortable expressing - watching his face gives me a new language.

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