Friday, February 11, 2011

practical magic :-)

In honor of the movie by that name (which I'm now watching for the third time!),
a few 'spells' for today:
Cleansing an object or person:

By this measured sacred smoke
Cleansing thee with every stroke
Release, refreshed, renewed and free
Of anything that bindeth thee

Cleansing oneself:

May I be a blessing to myself and to others.

May I deny ignorance to find; perfect peace, natural harmony,
loving kindness, thankful joy, compassion, gratitude, and composure.

May I be a blessing to myself and to others.

Banishing an unwanted person:

Be off! Be gone! No harm to thee
Do what thou wilt, away from me!
By Earth and Water, Sky and Sun
From sight and mind let thee be gone!

And last but not least:
Amas Veritas (True Love)

Debate away on the dangers or merits of doing love spells, but they are as old as time. Done in a general way - addressing no one in particular - I offer the following True Love Spell. The caution in this spell is that it will attract one's match, that is, one's equal. Not one's opposite or yin/yang balance or other half of an incomplete whole. If you are incomplete, what makes you think that you are ready to be loved? If you still have growing to do, will your lover like the new and improved you? If you are incomplete, what qualities might you lack that true love might require? If you think s/he will love all your faults and failings because that is your definition of true love or if you think that the definition of true love is never having to work at it, then this spell is not for you.

This spell is for people who pretty much know who they are and what they want to attract to themselves. They know what they have to offer and who might benefit from that. These people are pretty sure that their tastes, values and ethics are not likely to change dramatically. And thus, people looking for someone like him or herself, whole and ready to love and be loved. However, any true match, (and there can be more than one!) doesn't mean it will be a trouble free relationship - it only means that it will definitely be worth the trouble!!!

Cherry Blossom~ Rose~ on orange (m) or pink (f) Moon/ day Sun/Venus hour w/Emerald, Pink quartz, Red Jasper, Moonstone, Venus Hair (Copper) Rutile Quartz w/Apple Blossom, Almond, Birch, Honeysuckle, Rose, Vervain, Acacia, Elder, Fern, Heather, Juniper, Lavender, Marigold, Marjoram, Mistletoe, Moonwort, Patchouli, Vanilla

As water seeks its own level
And the moon attracts the tide
I call to thee my equal
True Love, be at my side
'Spells' courtesy of


Michael Finley said...

Oh boy.

Is this relationship worth the difficulty? Is it worth the risk to have this relationship. Am I willing to risk the unknown of this relationship?

Good news is I get to change my mind and I can guess wrong.

grasshopper said...

Not sure I'm understanding your comment?

I *think* what she's getting at (the person who wrote the 'commentary') may be to distinguish *this* spell from, say, one where you're just trying to get someone to fall madly in love with you.

I think she means that, if you use *this* particular spell, it's meant to draw an *equal* partner, a mate, as opposed to being about simple lust or infatuation.

The cool thing about *all* this stuff, *I* think, is that anybody can make up any 'spell' they want and use it to try to help them focus on what they *really, truly* want.

Which I think is where the real 'magic' lies.

Michael Finley said...

However, any true match, (and there can be more than one!) doesn't mean it will be a trouble free relationship - it only means that it will definitely be worth the trouble!!!

I just picked out that part. Sorry