Friday, February 4, 2011

when someone turns out not to be who you thought (or hoped)

they were.


We all *need* each other, right?

And so, in the absence of the 'right' one, we cling to whoever's handy.

Universal human trait, I'm pretty sure.

'Cept it can be like junk food - you can actually develop a taste for the stuff, a kind of habit.

(I don't use the term addiction - I don't actually believe in it. I think it's all about meeting needs, and that as *soon* as a person's need is actually being met, the craving for the false thing just goes away of its own accord. The return of a so-called 'addiction' simply means that the person's need is no longer being met.)

1 comment:

Michael Finley said...

I am with you on the addiction thing. Meeting the needs that used to be met by going to meetings is not getting rid of an addiction it is a substitution.

Making allowances for the physical addiction that the reptilian brain has and can only be reset by having the needs met and then getting used to that knew experience.